Thursday, August 18, 2005

my life

my life
My trip continued: When I was in Albuquerque busily asking how many hours to Lawton, I also was anticipating a nice lunch
in a "good" restaurant. Since I was traveling with my ten year old son who has ADHD, he frequently wins the food wars. He generally enjoys frequenting places such as Denny's or fast food, specifically Wendy's. Since I am not a fast food lover, I was
searching out a restaurant that served Mexican food. (That's what we call it here in California.) Once you get out of California, it seems that a TEX MEX phenomenon takes over. I ended up in a cute little place on the edge of what I think they call Old Town.
it was pretty good, but I was suddenly missing that California touch. As well as the Arizona bugs, perhaps someone can aqequately explain this Tex Mex thing. It's not that we don't have it here in Central Cal, it's just not that popular. As I walked into one restaurant, my son immediately went into
fit throwing status and decided he did not want to eat at what he
called a regular restaurant. I gave my best emotional speech concerning his selfish attempts at thwarting my efforts to enjoy New Mexico for at least thirty minutes. There seemed to be so much to see, but I had to get back on that freeway and travel
another ten hours or more. I was already tired, but I wanted to make it in two days. I have to say that those mesas that I had only seen before in text books are real. Those mountains really have large flat tops with steep sides. Later, driving home, I took a picture of an incredible sunset.

I was doing fine, clicking along, stopping just long enough to gas up and return to the road when it started to get dark. I was now into Texas looking for some little obscure road outside
of a little town called Memphis.


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