Thursday, March 16, 2006

Does Anyone Care About This War?

I really thought someone might respond to my blog, but it seems that most Americans disapprove of the war, but few have much to say about it. It appears that it is something that is happening over there, not here. I just read a good article in a news magazine that is designed for teenagers, (one that my students read in my English class) , and it stated that most soldiers feel that Americans don't have to sacrifice much for the war in Iraq, other than an inconvenience of an early arrival at an airport with post 9/11 security measures. Other than families of soldiers deployed, few seem to think about it much.
My son came home alive, and my heart goes out to the families of those that did not. I just saw a news clip of the president , and he appears much older, three years of this has aged him rightfully so,as it aged the parents of those who served, and is aging the parents of those currently deployed, and those who wait for their sons and daughters who wil soon leave for iraq.


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