Saturday, April 22, 2006


I can't believe it took me so long to work this out!
I used to grind the coffee beans, place the filter in the coffee
maker and then attempt to dump the ground coffee into the filter.
Needless to say, the ground coffee went every where, and actually some even ended up
in the filter. God, where was Martha when I needed her?
Well, on my own without her assistance, I figured it out, place the filter over the grinder, turn it upside down, and dump the ground coffee into the filter. Next, place the filter into the filter basket ! Voila!, no mess,
I know everyone has probably been doing this except me.
I felt like a rocket scientist for once.
Martha Stewart would say it is now perfectly perfect!
Only Martha will get this joke....

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I love flowers even after working in several florists over the years when ever I was not gainfully employed as a teacher. Recently, i took a job and worked a few days at a florist over the Valentine's Day weekend. It was great to get back to
doing something that actually made people happy. There was not a teenager around requesting his grade, text messaging, or listening to an I pod while I am giving instructions for an assignment, only to remark later, "What did she say?" I have become she, the almighty she , and as much as stay at home mothers feel that after a while they lose their identities, sorting through laundry and changing diapers, I know I most certainly have lost mine. If I could just leave my computer at my high school unattended for a few hours so each student could fill in the grade of his or her choice, I know I would no longer be needed. I'll be back at the florist again over Mother's Day , and I'll be happy to be doing something once again that puts a smile on the face of women I may never meet.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Oh, First FUll Day of Spring Break !

Let's see there are a million things I should do , and only a few I will do. I woke up close to nine, I normally get up around five, so that was great. I watched Martha Stewart and Starting Over. I love Martha, anyone that can recover that quickly from prison gets my complete admiration. I talked to my son, the one who just returned from Iraq. I went to the library, knitted,
did some laundry, went to Mervyn's returned some pants I got my younger son and answered some E mails. I think I should work for Martha Stewart. And I think I'll make a pizza because Wolfgang Puck was on Martha, and he made pizza. It was a great day. Even the sun came out today in Northern California.